Three Angels’ Messages

The Three Angels’ Messages


Christians, and even many non-Christians, are familiar with the story of Jesus’ birth and life: His First Coming. However, fewer are acquainted with the glorious event that is soon to follow (according to the Bible prophets): the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

According to some theologians, like Dwight Moody, there are even more references in the Scripture to Jesus’ Second Coming than to His First Coming. Many biblical prophets spoke about this climactic event that will end the Great Controversy between good and evil.

This series will focus on this lesser-known, yet equally significant and relevant event. It will look at the messages that are proclaimed shortly before Jesus’ return. The main text is found in Revelation chapter 14:6-12 and is known as The Three Angels’ Messages.

In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, the Apostle John teaches that before the Second Coming of Jesus, three angels would each proclaim a message: the everlasting gospel (14:6-7), the fall of Babylon (14:8), and the warning about the fate of the wicked (14:9-12). [1]


Follow the links below to dive into each message of this neglected text and explore the meaning of this end-time message, which you will discover is of utmost importance to us all.

[1] Robert L. Thomas, Revelation 8-22: An Exegetical Commentary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1995), p. 201.


The First Angel’s Message

The Second Angel’s Message

The Third Angel’s Message – Part 1 and Part 2


This article was written by Ivan Petroski and edited by Diane Lewis and Omari Norman.

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