For Children

Jesus and Children

Jesus said: “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

Our children are precious to us and the wonderful news is that they are even more precious to Jesus!

Let’s teach our children to love their Saviour and Best Friend Jesus so that they can learn to trust Him from the days of their youth, as wise King Solomon instructs them to.


Free resources for children

Here are some free resources to help you to share the love of Jesus with your child:

Do your children love stories? Here are audio stories that are like movies without pictures. Great character-building stories based on inspiring people from history and the Bible. Enjoy their Free Story of the Week and find more of their free stories on their YouTube channel. [See more…]

Do your children like to watch TV? Are you’re tired of struggling to find good programmes? Look no further! Find a series here that is perfect for them: from cooking programmes to nature and science programmes, from mission stories (on AFM), Bible stories (on Kidstime) and Bedtime stories to praise programmes, and so much more! [See more…]

Do they have access to a device? Would you like your children to start digging in God’s Word for themselves? Take a look at the Kidzone series or the Trouble Shooters series to see which one would suit your child best. [See more…]