About Us

Discover Truth is a Dublin born ministry that aims to lead people to Christ through the means of published resources. It is a Spirit led, Seventh-day Adventist Church ministry that functions at a grassroots level. Ordinary church members make up the main body of the ministry’s membership, and leadership.

Humble Beginnings

Discover Truth was born in principle many years ago. Without a specific name for the team or for the project, humble servants of Christ would faithfully be on the streets of Dublin offering copies of The Great Controversy book to people every weekend. This small team slowly grew over the years. Its members learned the effectiveness of adding a roll-up banner and a portable speaker to their setup, thus attracting more people to their book stands.

The desire to establish a formal ministry led to the need for a name and a website to accompany the street ministry. And so, the Discover Truth ministry was born. The website www.discovertruth.ie went through various stages and has been developed into an attractive, user-friendly website.

As the Lord led more people to join the team, each bringing his or her different skills and spiritual gifts, the ministry developed in many areas. An eye-catching logo, relevant to the ministry, was soon developed. The Free Bible program was included, and an Adventist Discovery Centre (Voice of Prophecy) branch school was added.

The street ministry team grew to include more counties in Ireland, both towards the South and West of the country. They also became more professional with branded vests, new banners, stickers on each book and original flyers for neighbourhood and street evangelism use.

Our Story


Church members of all ages and cultures participate in the street ministry. This is what makes it work. People from all walks of life are on the streets of Ireland. When they find someone on the team that they can identify with based on nationality, culture, race, age, or gender, they are more open to receiving a book or flyer that has the potential to lead them to the truth in Christ.

The concept of Prophecy is one of the tools that is used to call people’s attention to the times we live in. Everybody is aware of the strange situation that the world is currently facing. For many, answers are sorely needed. Being followers of Christ, we know one thing for sure: Jesus has the answers. The people around us need Christ but they don’t know it yet.

This is where other books such as The Desire of Ages, The Celtic Connection, Steps to Christ, The Power of Hope and The Ministry of Healing come into play. Once the Bible has been accepted as trustworthy, the relationship with their Redeemer can begin to grow.


This is where the website plays an important role. It aims to help people develop their relationship with Jesus. This is achieved by providing visitors with links to various Seventh-day Adventist media like television and radio stations, free Bibles, free books (hardcopy & PDF format), a variety of online Bible studies, articles on various topics, resources for children and opportunities for prayer and support.

Bible School

The online Bible school has led people to a clearer understanding of Jesus and Bible Prophecy, and even to decisions for baptism. The Light of the World Bible study has been presented via Zoom and posted on YouTube to compliment the online lessons. We have faithful attendees who have started to regularly attend church. And our own volunteers who faithfully attend are continually blessed by new insights into the life of Jesus, even though they have been attending church for years.


The team also branched out into creating original flyers tailored to reach the people of Ireland. Covid restrictions led to the need for something that could be done within the members’ neighbourhoods. Four flyers have been created thus far. An initial one advertising Discover Truth in general, followed by a Christmas flyer drawing attention to Jesus as the ultimate gift. The next flyer introduced a free offer of The Desire of Ages and an invitation to the Light of the World Zoom presentations. The latest flyer is on Daniel 2. Tens of thousands of flyers have been prayerfully distributed to post boxes in various neighbourhoods of Ireland and from the book stands. We have also localised a number of GLOW tract titles.

Prayer Team

The faithful and dedicated prayer team is an invaluable part of this ministry. Meeting weekly to pray, they pray for those who have received books on the street (usually by name), for the students in the Bible school, and for any other need that the team brings to them.


The ministry has been faithfully supported by church members, the Irish Mission, the Emerald Health and Education Foundation and even by donations from people on the streets. We thank you for your support and pray that it will continue.

Next step

In His final prayer in Gethsemane, when presenting His disciples to the Father, Jesus said: “I do not pray for these only, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word.” (John 17:20)

Jesus prayed 2,000 years ago for those that we can reach now. You can play a part in the fulfilment of His prayer.

As the Discover Truth ministry is continually growing, there is always place for new volunteers, fresh ideas, and opportunities for expansion. People are needed for street evangelism, for website content and development, for prayer ministry and many other areas.

Contact us today to see how you can be an efficient and effective ambassador for Christ in Ireland.

Will you join us?